quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2008

Quem quer ser mil... perdão... escritor de ficção?

«I understand, of course, that giving up law/medicine/banking to write books is a common fantasy, fed by publicity about the likes of JK Rowling earning millions from book and film deals (...)The brutal reality is that most first-time novelists rarely get more than £12,000 for a two-book deal. Accounts vary, but it is said that JK Rowling got an advance in the region of £2,000 to £10,000 for her first Harry Potter title. Moreover, according to the Society of Authors, the average author earns less than £7,000 a year.» ...

O TimesOnline vem dizer aquilo que mais ou menos já todos sabíamos: que ser escritor está longe de ser fácil. Um artigo de Sathnam Sanghera, intitulado "A novel idea may not be a lucrative one", que pode ser lido aqui.