sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2009

Vencedor do Theatre Book Prize

O vencedor deste ano foi Patrick Lonergan, da Universidade Nacional da Irlanda, com Theatre and Globalisation.

Segundo Kate Newey, professora de teatro na Universidade de Birmingham, «Lonergan discusses the ways in which Irish theatre is a textbook example of an apparently unique national culture, marketed internationally. He introduces sophisticated ideas, with clarity and humour, and identifies the ways in which all of us think about the global and the local at the same time.»

Lista de nomeados:
The Golden Generation: New Light on Post-War British Theatre Ed, de Dominic Shellard (British Library)
Stage Presence: The Actor as Mesmerist, de Jane Goodall (Routledge)
A Strange Eventful History: The Dramatic Lives of Ellen Terry, Henry Irving and their Remarkable Families, de Michael Holroyd (Chatto)
Theatre of the Troubles, de Bill McDonnell (Exeter University Press)
Verbatim: Techniques in Contemporary Theatre, de Ed Will Hammond e Dan Steward (Oberon)

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