Shortlist do "Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year":
- A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Has Shaped the World from Prehistory to the Present by William Bernstein (Atlantic Books);
- Cold Steel: Britain’s Richest Man and The Multi-Billion-Dollar Battle for a Global Industry by Tim Bouquet/Byron Ousey (Little, Brown);
- When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change by Mohamed El-Erian (McGraw-Hill);
- McMafia: Crime Without Frontiers by Misha Glenny (Random House);
- Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy by Lawrence Lessig (Penguin Press);
- The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder (Bloomsbury).
Este prémio tem por objectivo premiar a obra "that provides the most compelling and enjoyable insight into modern business issues, including management, finance and economics”.
Cada autor presente na shorlist receberá 5.000 libras e o vencedor 30.000 libras
O vencedor será anunciado dia 14 de Outubro em Nova Iorque.